
Goodbye 2022.. It’s Been One Heck of a Ride 🤌🏼

(Image not mine. Please let me know so I can credit the Artist ♥️₹

This is my first and the last post of 2022..

I have been an absent blogger this year; mostly cause it’s been a roller coaster ride for me in my personal life.

If you have been following me on Instagram; then you know a human baby made me his mama this year and I have been trying my best to be able to uphold this huge responsibility.

So for this exact reason; everything in my life took backseat; though no matter how hard I tried, the need to read did make sure that I kept my sanity through the post partum time.

I hope that this year of 2022 went absolutely fabulous for you – do let me know what books you loved this year, because I need to know what books to add to my never ending and overflowing TBR; because it’s starting to look a little small 🤣🤭

While this year my blog lay dormant; I am writing this post as a hope to make sure that

A) I post at least twice a month and at least reviews of my favourite reads in the particular month itself 🤞🏽

B) That I post more than just reviews on Instagram 🤞🏽

C) That I keep my Goodreads, StoryGraph and Readerly updated regularly 🤞🏽

D) That I read more from my own shelves before buying more books *like that’s gonna happen 😉*

E) That I get my Netgalley Reader Score to at least 75% – which means clearing my backlog of titles on my Kindle 🥹

F) Annotating the books I am falling in love with – I love leaving notes to find later when I re-red or for when the next person reads the book 🥺

Here’s to the hope that I fulfill all the points in my to-do list for this year! And if you have still stuck around; you can find the list of books I fell in love with on Instagram 🥰

Till the next year lovelies! Have a good night and a fantastic start to 2023 ♥️

Book Lists, Book Recommendation

Exploring the Heart’s Journey: My February 2024 Romance Reads❤️‍🔥

February 2024 was a month filled with the a deliberate and delightful exploration of various romantic sub – genres. I mean, yes of course romance is a favourite genre of mine; but that doesn’t mean I can’t set a month aside specifically for romances that I love binge reading!

Each book I delved into seemed to transport me to a different world; multitude of emotions were experienced and many a late nights were spent loosing sleep but cuddled with some very emotional romance reads evoking a spectrum of emotions that left me spellbound. Some of the romances, I so thoroughly enjoyed and would absolutely recommend to you all are given below.

The genres of these romances are varied and so is the spice level; but I promise you, if you are a romance fanatic like I am, then you will certainly find yourself a new favourite in this list!

Version 1.0.0

He loved her. And she was holding his hand.

All That Sizzles by Sakshama Puri Dhariwal

I cannot even begin to describe the beauty of the greenest of green flags that is Nik Shankar. I mean, it was just pure bliss reading about Nik and Tanvi’s spicy yet cute, and adorable romance that had me reading this book even through all the reality that tried to intervene in my foray into Nik and Tanvi’s romance.

Now, if only I could the Bedi Brother’s own HEAs – I would be all snuggly like a kitty in a blanket.

You can check out why I adore Nik Shankar on this Instagram Reel.

I lost the you I thought you were. I lost the me I got to be with you. That’s not nothing.

Love The Way you Spy (Masters and Mercenaries: New Recruits #1) by Lexi Blake

Masters and Mercenaries was my introduction to the Romantic Suspense Genre with hardcore BDSM elements; but not in a way that would have made a newbie like me uncomfortable. And it also has the distinction of being a series I binge read without even knowing what binge read means.

So when I found out that the next generation is also getting their own HEA’s, I legit squealed like a pig. And immediately dived into the new series with book 1. Big Tag’s daughter gets her won HEA with a little bumps and boops along the way.

Trust me, Lexi Blake’s world of Masters and Mercenaries is amazing and highly recommended; especially if you want the full package of humor, found family, suspense, SPICE, and heartfelt romance!

P.S. While all the books CAN be read as standalone; the experience is far more enriching if you read all of them in sequence!

You are not a problem, Misery. You’re a privilege.

Bride by Ali Hazelwood

Ali Hazelwood is brilliant for I have enjoyed almost all of her books that I have read. I find that there is something always, always there for the particular mood I am in, when I pick up her books!

Bride has it all – the cliche of Vampire and Warewolf forbidden romance that I fell for as a Twilight fan; a hilarious and sarcastic heroine, ironically names Miser, Mated romance; “she fell; but he fell harder” trope that legit had me screaming albiet silently in the middle of the night while binge read this book!

Trust me, read this one; if you are interested in any of the tropes mentioned above – and hope like heck that Ali Hazelwood ends up making this a whole ass series.

Because I know when I get back, I’ll have everybody waiting for me.

The cat. The family.

And Jonathan fucking Forest.

10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall

No one does hilarious M/M Rom – Com like Alexis Hall does. I mean, the second hand embarrassment I usually feel because the situations the characters get into, tend to be hilarious to me, as a reader.

With Alexis Hall, in this M/M romance you get a Christmas romance about a grumpy boss with a very loud and obnoxious family; and his sunshine-y employee who is trying to protect his rag tag team of colleagues. Oh and you also have a very cat; who is very cat – like. All this means is that this is a book you need to read when you want to have some alone and a whole lot of peace.

“I went to Cold World and all I got was this lousy T-shirt”…

“And the love of my life.”

With Love, from Cold World by Alicia Thompson

Well, when you have a debut romance titled “Love in the Time of Serial Killers”, you know you have made a fan in me, for life. So, I was really looking forward to this newest release by the author.

Workplace romance between straight laced accountant and sunshine – y guy who adores everything about the Cold World. When both these opposite characters have to work together to save Cold World; sparks fly and then it’s all about the “push and pull” we so obviously love about our MCs in almost all of our books 😉

With wonderful crafted characters; hilarious moments; and with the right amount of spice; this was an amazing read!

If you read any romances that you loved recently, Please do comment. My TBR is looking a little forlorn 😉

TBR Challenge

Rediscovering the Magic: My #12in24 TBR Challenge

In the spirit of self-improvement and embracing the joy of reading more than just the duty of reading as a blogger, I’ve embarked on a personal challenge this year – the #12in24 TBR (To Be Read) Challenge. The goal is simple yet profound: to rediscover the hidden treasures that have long occupied space on my bookshelf, patiently awaiting their turn to transport me to different worlds. These forgotten companions are the books and series that I have procrastinated about reading, despite their existence in the world; and sometimes hyped, for quite some time, at times even years.

As I start to delve into this challenge, I am once again struck by the blissfulness of stumbling upon stories I once overlooked, for whatever reason maybe. Each book, dusted off and opened anew, feels like a long-lost friend inviting me to reacquaint myself with its pages. There’s an undeniable thrill in rekindling the anticipation I once had for these books and witnessing the growth they promise to bring to my reading journey.

This journey of rediscovery isn’t just about ticking off titles from a list; it’s about making a conscious and deliberate choice to go back to the joy of buying these books, and travel through the journey of reading them. This is an acknowledgment that each book, bought or gifted or borrowed, will always hold an important place, waiting to shape my perspective in ways I might not have imagined. By committing to the #12in24 TBR Challenge (mostly because I will not be able to do 24 books/series), I’m not just conquering a reading backlog; I’m also going to be flying into new worlds that I am so excited to be a part of.

Following are 12 books/series that I plan on reading this year. Some of them are series that I already started but for some reason or other, wasn’t able to continue with. Others are standalones, that I really wish I could have read before!

You can check out the Instagram Reel I made for this challenge; and do let me know if you would like to buddy read any of these 😀

I recently read the Foul Lady Fortune Duology and fell in love with Chloe Gong’s words. So this one is high on my list to read this year. Have you read it yet?

I remember receiving the galley of Once Upon A Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber from Netgalley (OOPS!) and never picked it up. Guess its time to pick up the series now.

How much would you recommend this series out of a rating of 10?

This is one of those series that I started and haven’t had the time to finish it yet – I absolutely adored The Gilded Wolves; and probably will be picking up the next books in the series soon. I just NEED to be in the right mood, do you get me?

I have heard such wonderful things about this duology; plus the covers are just *chef’s kiss* – so maybe this year is the year of this duology for me?

Have you read this yet?

Another series that I just KNOW I will love; but darn it, if I don’t need to be in the RIGHT fracking mood to read it.

Please tell me, I am not the only one who is such a moody reader!

Give me an anti-social teenager with a knack of solving mysteries – and I will, ALWAYS, and I do mean, ALWAYS love the books.

I am hoping my streak continues with Stevie Bell, too *fingers crossed*

I know, I know, I KNOW. I am a meanie for not already reading this book and I promise to change that this year.

That’s all I have to say.

Please read the previous books musings. There is nothing more I can say.

Leigh Bardugo is Queen and I adored The Ninth House and I am actually half way through Hell Bent, but I sorta forgot my copy in Delhi; so this one is on hold till I can go back to Delhi; and get my copy of the book. So this one makes the list this year.

Another series that I own copy of, like all the books that are currently available, and I still haven’t been able to pick them; mostly cause I know this series is unfinished and I doubt my aging heart could take the wait for the next book to be released. But persevere we shall!

Another thriller series that has received rave reviews, and I am soo looking forward to binge reading this whole series!

Last but definitely not the least, is this beautiful thrilling series that I know nothing about; but will 99.99% love when I do dive into this series!

Have you read any of these books/series? Would you like to buddy read any of them? Do drop in a comment and let me know!!

Announcement, Uncategorized

It’s not a goodbye.. but a hello!

As 2023 draws to a close, it’s time to bid farewell to a year that brought its share of challenges and triumphs. Amidst the highs and lows, one constant remains – the opportunity for personal growth. 🙌

As I stand on the threshold of 2024, I am committed to embracing a stronger, better version of myself. It’s not just about setting resolutions; it’s about forging a path towards resilience, self-improvement, and an unwavering determination to face whatever comes my way. 🙇🏻‍♀️

You can buy this on on Amazon India with this affiliate link:

In this new year, a key focus will be on cultivating more intentional and focused reading habits. Enter “A Clockwork Reader,” reading journal by @clockwork_reader. This tool will serve as a compass for my literary journey, allowing me to reflect on each book’s impact and record insights that contribute to my intellectual growth. I will also update my journey on this beautiful reading journal on my Instagram Page; so don’t forget to give a follow there! ✨

I also just posted a reel and you can have a look sir here!

Here’s to a year of becoming not only a better version of myself but also a more avid and purposeful reader. Let the pages of 2024 unfold, filled with the promise of self-discovery and a deeper connection with the written word. 🥂


It’s Been A While..

Its been ages since I have been active in this blogosphere..

It has been a roller coaster of a ride for yours truly since the last time I was able to post here. I had a huge stack of plates to juggle and somehow being an active blog didn’t quite make the cut for me.

I promise I tried hard; but the fact that I was bale to active on Instagram – but even then it was a toss up if I would be posting regularly.

I had a whole lot of things happening; lets take a look shall we?

  • The biggest thing to happen was that I ended up being pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby this past May; which meant the whole of 9 months before were a lot; in terms of health and experience.
  • It also meant, the baby was the one who dictated my reading experience – and it was honestly hilariously irritating that my baby’s preferences meant next to no reading (absolutely went on his father in this regard 😂)
  • I had multiple exams from competitive ones to my semester exams – not that it gave me any favourable result but I had to try.
  • But mostly, it was the exhaustion – trust me, I didn’t realise how exhausting it is to grow a human being. It was bone deep exhaustion and all I wanted to do was just freaking sleep. ALL. THE. TIME 🫣
  • And then at the end of my pregnancy, my fur baby, Lord Felix, the youngest baby then, ran away from home. It broke my heart. Literally. I spent a whole day crying and only controlled myself, because there were two babies (one in me and other Queen Artemis) depending on me being healthy and present.
  • It took three and a half days for us to find him; and I still consider myself the luckiest mom ever to have him back home.
  • No matter what struggles I go through; and there have been a few; the fact that I have my three babies with me is enough for me.
When Lord Felix helped me to study for my exams 🥰

That doesn’t seem like much, now does it? But encompassing everything that went on in my life, wasn’t exactly feasible (and I doubt that WordPress wouldn’t limit the words).

But I am gonna try and be back here – slowly getting back to posting schedule; and if you have any ideas as to the kind of content you would like for me to post; beyond reviews and such, don’t hesitate to let me know in the comments!

Till then, I hope you are following me on my social medias (linking them right here!) ❤️‍🔥

Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook | Amazon

Anticipated Reads 2021

More Awesome Reads For Your TBR <3 | Anticipated Reads of August 2021

Holy Moly! August is already here and in another 4 months this very traumatic year would hopefully be in our rearview mirror and we can all just try and move on from it.

But to be very honest, I have loved finding so many wonderful books each month, a list that is curated for the ever changing tastes that a reader reading this list might find one to suit your taste!

I had good reading month for July; I was able to read at least few of the books on my list; and I am hoping that it would be the same for this month too *fingers crossed*

As always, this is not the total list of all the books being released in this particular month; these are the books that I am looking forward in this month – and maybe just maybe update, the list with my review links at the end of the month, so that ya’ll can access to the reviews without any issues(I know.. I know! I have a whole lot of reviews to be updated, and I will be doing that, hopefully soon!)

If you would like to, you can also check out the previous months – January 2021, February 2021, March 2021, April 2021, May 2021, June 2021 and July 2021 Anticipated Reads as well.

Continue reading “More Awesome Reads For Your TBR ❤ | Anticipated Reads of August 2021”

ARC Review

A Fast Paced Thriller That Reads Like an Action Movie <3 | ARC Review: Falling by T. J. Newman

There are one hundred and forty-three other passengers onboard.

What you don’t know is that thirty minutes before the flight your pilot’s family was kidnapped.

For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.

The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.

Enjoy the flight.

Continue reading “A Fast Paced Thriller That Reads Like an Action Movie ❤ | ARC Review: Falling by T. J. Newman”

Release Day Review

An Emotional Romance Between Two Broken Individuals with a Hint of Mystery to Sweeten the Reading Experience <3| Blog Tour – Review: Watch Me Breathe C. E. Johnson

Watch Me Breathe by C.E. Johnson is now live! Continue reading “An Emotional Romance Between Two Broken Individuals with a Hint of Mystery to Sweeten the Reading Experience <3| Blog Tour – Review: Watch Me Breathe C. E. Johnson”