Release Day Review

Release Day Review + Giveaway: Devil You Know (Lost Boys #1) by L.A. Fiore

Devil You Know Release GIF

Damian Tate. One look into his sad green eyes and I was hooked. I wanted to be the one to make him laugh, to make him smile. I hadn’t expected him to be the one to make me blush, to make me hot…to make me fall in love. He was my first kiss, my first love, my first everything. I wanted forever with him, but life got in the way.

He enlisted, I went to college, and for years we were never in the same place long enough to pick up where we left off.

Thirteen years after he left, tragedy brings him home. The stoic boy I fell in love with grew into a quiet, dangerous and wildly sexy man. He still tugs on all the right strings for me, but he seems determined to keep me at arm’s-length.

However, when trouble comes knocking at my door, he is the one to put himself between that trouble and me.

Spending time with him might drive me insane, or it might be our second chance at first love.

My Review (1)eARC provided in exchange for an honest review

I remember reading L.A. Fiore for the first time with her last book, Collecting The Pieces (Read My Review) and I remember falling in love; in love with the characters she wrote and in love with her talent.

So, remember the echo of the love, I ended up requesting review the next book – the blurb was just a bonus.

And I was done for. The “Prologue” where we are introduced into the life of Damien Tate – and everything in me broke. He was five years at that time. And I didn’t know how Damien (and I!) would repair ourselves.

He was a teenager when he was given a semblance of a life by Cam Ahern, who took him home and shared his family with him. But it was his sister Thea Ahern who gave him light, even if it was for a little while.

This is Damien and Thea’s story from 2003 till present date; it is a story of first love, second chances and soul mates.

From the first moment Damien and Thea met, I had been rooting for them; through everything they both went through I still rooted for them! You want know why? Because unlike other characters, they did not make stupid decisions, they weren’t impulsive nor were they reactionary! They were humans, and I abs-freaking-lutely LOVED that Ms. Fiore was able to get that across!!

“I will move heaven and earth to keep you right where I’ve always wanted you, at my side. I will walk in the rain so you stay dry, I will forgo food so you can eat, I will take the pain so you won’t feel any and I will absolutely step in front of danger to keep you safe.”

Damien Tate was broken; there were absolutely no two ways about it – his early life, his father abandoning him and his mother being a superlative biatch; there was no way he would ever escape unscathed, but even through all that he never lost his goodness; he may have lost his way, but never his goodness. And that’s why I fell in love with him, even with all the decisions he took through the years!

Thea Ahern was the girl who saw the good in the boy who felt invisible. She had eyes for him, and the best for him in her heart and that made her special to me. The fact that she wasn’t a drama queen and knew how to be rational just upped her in my eyes as well. But I fell for her, when I got to know the woman she had become; a strong confident sassy girl, who could still make Damien smile and laugh when nothing else could.

I loved Damien and Thea as teenagers, but that’s what they were children; but when they come together as adults; that’s when you realise that sometimes first loves aren’t lost, they just grow into forever love even when you have lost all hope.

Pick this book up – I am not gonna lie, IT WILL MAKE YOU FEEL – and that’s the best recommendation I can ever give to any book! 

“To offer her a blanket and my body when she watches a scary movie. To hold her hair when she is sick and to supply the water when she drinks. To keep the house stocked with cookie ingredients and working fire extinguishers. To make her eggs and bacon and two cups of black coffee with two sugars every morning. To fall asleep next to her every night and to wake to her beautiful face every morning. To plant my babies in her, to build a life and family with her, to grow old with her…watching as life etches itself on her face. My intention, Cam, is to spend the rest of my life with her.” 

Cheers, PaviMy Rating (1)

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Devil You Know Teaser January 31

Devil You Know Teaser January 31(1)



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L.A. Fiore is the author of several books including: Beautifully Damaged, Waiting for the One and A Glimpse of the Dream. She’s also the social secretary for her two children, a tamer of ill-mannered cats, the companion to one awesome dog and married to her best friend. She likes her wine red, her shrimp chilled and her social gatherings small and intimate.



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