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Wizards!! Witches!! Muggles!! Squibs!! Gather Around!! I Have News For You <3

Do you miss Hogwarts? Do you miss travelling the Hogwarts express with Harry, Ron, Hermoine and the gang every year at September 1st?

Do you miss the excitement of knowing that the next instalment of Harry’s adventures during the school year? Do you miss Draco’s snarkiness, Snape’s snappy voice, Dumbledore’s twinkling blue eyes, Mcgonnagal’s wisdom, The Weasley Twin’s pranks??

Do you still go back to the Wizarding World, just to reminiscent about all the good times we have had together?

Then this news will make you DELIRIOUS!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

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Top It Off: Top Books of 2014

Okay. This is what everybody has already done and like, always I am late to the party of course! πŸ˜€ For this, wonderful year, I am just gonna list a combination of all the genres that I usually read, because I am new to book blogging (Plus, I usually don’t keep track of the books I have read :D).

Understandably, most of the books in the list are quite popular, but there are a few that you might not have read, and I would like to think that my thoughts on them would whet your interest enough to give them a try! Also, this year has been full of books. I had gotten a tablet, so a whole new world of eBooks opened up for me, which led to late night readings and/or known a binge marathon reads! My one resolution of 2014 (I will post about it later and link it here!) led me to chronicle what and when I read it.

So choosing only 10 favourite books is a blasphemy that I have to commit to make it easier for you all (Love me for this!) So, I reneged and added some series to my list as well, which if you count would definitely not be 10 books in total (I am wily, that way! :P) but these are the books that I have actually enjoyed and would definitely re – read again. Hence, the title – Top Books of 2014 πŸ™‚

The books/series in this list are not in any order or preference.

Credit: Not Mine :)
Credit: Not Mine πŸ™‚

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